Find ‘The One’
Meet The Man That Was Made for YOU!
Join over 25 of the world’s best dating experts – now through November 2nd – in an exclusive Dating with Dignity Summit to discover how to really identify and break free from past patterns that keep you single, so you can date – and keep – an amazing man who truly loves you. If you're keen on finding "the one" potentially online, check out our friends @ Findmate for those looking for serious relationships. If that's not your thing, no biggie. We'll give you all the tools you need to find the partner for you in the real world.
Hosted by World-Class Dating Expert, Marni Battista!
Find the Man that Was Made for You!
Let the world’s top experts in dating, love, relationships, sex and more show you how to attract the love and the relationship you want and deserve… for FREE!
Why Am I Still Single?
You’re smart, successful, and sassy.
You’ve achieved many of your dreams and goals. You’re excited for bright future plans and growth. In fact, many of your friends are envious of the life and thriving lifestyle you’ve achieved.
In other words, life is fantastic. So why are you still single?
And no matter how awesome life is… being lonely sucks.
The worst part is, you don’t know why nothing’s working for you. You’ve read relationship books. You’ve watched Oprah and Dr. Phil. You’ve probably even done therapy, self-work, and personal development courses or seminars.
Yet, time and time again, you find yourself dating the same guy with a different face. And when you get the same bad results, you have no idea what you did wrong.
As you face another lonely night, you can’t help but wonder…
Am I going to be alone forever?
Let’s Get Honest
Have your girlfriends ever told you how beautiful and wonderful you are? And how “that douchebag doesn’t know what he’s missing out on”?
Does your family constantly assure you that “the right person will come at the right time” and you just have to patiently wait for that to happen?
Heck, has your ex ever said something along the lines of, “You’re such an amazing person. Any guy would be lucky to have you”… right before he walked out the door?
While supportive friends and family are an integral part of a joyful life, this can unknowingly make you a victim of the “American Idol” syndrome. Oh, you know: that syndrome where you have a rally of supporters cheering you on about how fabulous you are and how you’re soooo gonna be the next Idol.
But no one is there to tell you, “Ooooh… that was pitchy!”
Are You “Playing” The Right Dating Strategy?
There are two ways you can “play the dating game.”
The first is by following all the “dating rules.” You could learn the tricks of texting and memorize lines of what to say. But you can’t sustain it, because it’s not authentic.
Your unconscious patterns from the past will always win out. And when you’re sitting there alone and freaking out, you’re going to text him something weird that pushes him away.
The second way of dating is by taking responsibility for how men see you.
Whatever you’re wearing, however great you look, whatever you’ve done to pump up yourself for a date, it doesn’t matter if there are unconscious thoughts, feelings, beliefs and attitudes that are ultimately radiating out onto the world and onto your date.
So if you’re walking around with the ghost of every guy who screwed you over, with your parents hanging in the background, with fears and hidden beliefs…
Then it doesn’t matter how cute or smart you are or how many dating tricks you’ve memorized; you’ll keep repeating the same pattern that leads to failed relationship after failed relationship.
And no matter who your Prince Charming is, he’ll run away if you don’t take responsibility to get to the root of the problem and take responsibility for the love that you want.
The good news is, once you let go of the internal emotional hold on your past, you will — authentically and instinctively — put out a message to men that is attractive and ultimately magnetize men toward you.
An Invitation to Enter Nurturing Space for a Love Life-Changing Journey
Look, we already know what a beautiful, strong, and amazing woman you are. But even the smartest, most successful, prettiest woman can’t see her own blind spot.
So if you don’t want to waste time in another dead-end relationship, and if you want to find an amazing man who truly loves you without having to compromise or change who you are…
You need a panel of honest “judges” to tell you what you really need to hear.
This is why the Dating with Dignity Summit is your personal panel of experts to show you what you need to know – uncensored and constructive – in a nurturing space of compassion and understanding.
We’ve secured 30 of the most amazing speakers, experts, authors, and coaches for this summit, and they can’t wait to give you their absolute BEST advice on dating, relationships, sex, confidence, body image, and more.
This isn’t going to be a band-aid approach of what to say on a first date or fluffy tips of how to text back a guy. It’s an invitation to empty your cup – to experience an unfolding discovery of what really has been holding you back in a deeper way – and let go of the emotional hold on the past.
You’ll emerge as more confident in your own skin, get out of the technique mode, and banish self-doubt and false hope. And when you’re dating in this mode, it’s like getting the secret password on to where all the quality men are!
So what are you waiting for? Join us now for a transformative 30-day journey and let’s begin
Is Dating On Your “To-Do” List?
Join this FREE, 30-day online summit where the world’s best dating experts come together in a nurturing space of compassion to help you identify why you’re still single, show you how to get out of the romantic rut, and arm you with real-world, uncensored advice to become a more confident, sexier and magnetic version of YOU so that you can attract the quality man you want.
Find the Man that Was Made for You!
Let the world’s top experts in dating, love, relationships, sex and more show you how to attract the love and the relationship you want and deserve… for FREE!
Your Guest Speakers

Client Testimonials About Marni & Dating With Dignity
Thank you, thank you, thank you! After working with Marni the dates started coming without me even looking or applying to a dating site. I’m a magnet. I rated my beliefs by paying attention to the type of men I was attracting. They have all been good quality men. Most of them have met my top 5 musts-integrity, responsible, financially stable, confident, and complete gentlemen. Now I’m having a hard time deciding who to choose!
Cedes, Los Angeles, CA
I just want to say thank you for all of your amazing advice, guidance and support. I seriously have the men in my life completely shifting the way they are with me, and all I’m doing is accepting exactly where and who they are and communicating the “right” way. I can’t thank you enough.
Erinn Selkis
She has a kind voice when helping someone but is not afraid to give them the wake up call they need. I appreciate Marni’s ability to sum it up to the practical real steps to help someone to work on themselves and find love.
Your style of teaching exudes warmth and your content is a rich blend of personal experience and thorough research. I would congratulate any woman who studies with you as having made a wise decision.
Felice Dunas, PhD
Marni artfully leads people through dating with grace, and yes, dignity. She is humorous, compassionate, and disarmingly brilliant…she is a leader in her field who’s time has come.
Lisa Hayes-Howell
Thank you for an amazing course with great, SIMPLE information. I went on four dates with three different men in seven days. (That has never happened before in my life.) I felt empowered, feminine and in control–and I also felt I was communicating my needs/wants/desires in a respectful way to the men. All in all, I felt I stepped out of my comfort zone, I made more eye contact with men, I got out of my own way, and I did what you said to do. Quite the amazing experience!!!
Melissa Risdon
She saved my life in every way it could have been saved. I stopped blaming other people, started taking control of my life, and began creating a life I love. I would not have been able to do this without my life coach. I love you Marni! Thank you for teaching me how to get my life back!
I use these positive communications skills, which has kept my relationship happy and healthy! It’s my best relationship because of EVERYTHING I learned in the Breaking The Romantic Rut & Super Me classes, life changing, amazing stuff that’s so easy to do.
Tracy Johansson
I want to thank you so much for all of your help over the past 4 months. I found you when I was in a lot of pain and drowning and you were the perfect lifeline at the perfect time. You help to remind me to live in “choice” and to focus on the amazing life I have and the life the I am creating each day. Trust that I am safe and to just go for it! Most importantly, I value myself above all else! I look to surround my self now with friendships, relationships, work opportunities…etc. with people and situations that value who I am. I am protective of my energy. I see the gift that my past relationship gave to me now and I am grateful for that gift. It really had nothing to do with the person involved, it was the lesson that is going to resonate with me for the rest of my life.
Jennifer Paulson
If you’re looking to reinvent your love life… and enjoy a fulfilling relationship… Marni is the woman who can get you there.
Mat Boggs
Each and every class with Marni has been a very high standard and always way beyond what I expected. I felt like I have been in the presence of greatness and I really appreciate and learned something from each and every session.
Wow, what a week! I’m a dating machine! On Monday, I went out on my second date with James. Tonight I went on a date that my friend set me up on. I have never dated this much in my life!
Haley W., Toronto
The Global Dating & Relationship Advice Event For Dignified Women Who Want To Be Successful In Love
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This is the easiest, most inexpensive way to get real, practical, simple advice that will kick start your journey to lasting love & happiness. What are you waiting for? Thousands of women from all over the world are joining us right now — don’t be left out!
Find the Man that Was Made for You!
Let the world’s top experts in dating, love, relationships, sex and more show you how to attract the love and the relationship you want and deserve… for FREE!